>From: Paleogal <[log in to unmask]>

>Being prone to insulin resistance in my family, I have hit many stalls in
>the past eating sausage and eggs for breakfast.  Separately, they cause me
>no problems, and after a lengthy period of time, I have tried the
>combination again and have run into the same problem.  Bloating.....  The
>calories are minimal with the fruit being blackberries but the saturated
>grams are up there.  This does not occur if I eat only whites with the
>sausage or eat a three egg omelet with no sausage.  Does anyone else have
>this problem who is prone to insulin resistance.  Ken Stuart tells me he
>eat both with no problem and he also tells me that all his messages to the
>list have to be approved before being posted.  I think it's safe to say
>this list is opposed to lifestyle discussions.   Oliva

Try to limit the protein content of the breakfast and leave the fat and see
what happens. I also thought that I cannot eat high sat fat till I lowered
my protein intake.

Paul Sand
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