Personally if I had a choice I would much rather have to deal with the fishy
burps then the pain from the RA.  :)  I never get fishy smelling burps and
something you might want to have him do that I do a little different is I
bite into the fish oil caps and kind've chew them a little before
swallowing.  The ones I have are quite large so I have trouble swallowing
them whole.  As for dosage you need to go quite high to really see the
benefits.  If you look on the label it will have an amount of EPA and DHA
per capsule or serving.  Most brands average around 600 mg combined per
serving.  You want about 6 grams combined per day so that is quite a bit but
the benefits are usually worth it.  Keep in mind you can also get EPA/DHA
from eating fish such as Salmon which contains about 2.5 grams per small
can.  Hope this helps!

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