>What I would like to know is...how does that metabolic slowing affect their
>quality of life?  I mean, what's the use of living until you're 200 if your
>body can't afford to exert itself without having to cannibalize its own
>lean tissue?

Down sides mentioned were lower body temps (bummer) and reduced sex drive
(HUGE bummer!).  Which is exactly why, if I were as rich as Bill Gates, I'd
pay to study a low-cal Paleoesque diet vs. the same amount of calories in a
starch-based diet.  I can eat 1,000 calories a day and do just fine if what
I eat is 60g protein, low-carb vegetables and the rest of my calories,
probably more than half, from fat.  Surely, 1,000 calories a day is
considered low-cal.  And let me just say I'm warm and toasty and my sex
drive is NOT reduced.  Increased, if anything.  Hey, tell it like it is,
right?  And if you know of any single Paleolithic males...

Dori Zook
Denver, CO

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