I wouldn't pay a whole lot of attention to Mike Tyson; he's got real issues with anger control, and doesn't strike me as very smart. It's too bad he's homophobic, but I'm not surprised he is.  Boxing is a really macho sport that has very little tolerance for gays.  Anyhow, he needs to learn to keep his mouth shut.

I'm more concerned about your medical examiner.  Why would anyone throw acid into his face?  Was he getting too close to solving a crime?  I hope he's not disfigured for life.


On Mon, 3 Jun 2002 13:44:39 EDT "BG Greer, PhD" <[log in to unmask]> wrote:

Memphis used to be a nice, quiet city, except for selected events such as the
assassination of Dr. King and the death of the other King. Now we have the
Rumble on the River! You would not believe some of the crap that goes on with
the national "role models" such as, Michael Jordan and Denzel Washington.
Now, the morning the front page headline have our medical examiner,
kidnapped, tied up with barbed with acid in his face. He survived. The
picture on the front page was of Tyson hugging a gay
protester who was protesting Tyson's "homophobia". Tyson was quoted as
saying, "I am not homophobic and if I do say homophobic things, just remember
I am not homophobic!"
