In early Feb of this year I was suffering from achey muscles, pain in most
of my joints, very mind foggying fatigue.  I went to the doc and they told
me I needed an increase in my thyroid meds. I take generic synthyroid and
was on .125 micrograms per day at that time.  The doctor increased my dosage
to .150
I found that about three to four weeks later I was better and for the most
part all of my symptoms had faded away.
About March 31st I began to suffer from hot flashes and from anxiety.  The
anxiety started off very suddenly on a trip, I explained it away by real
life concerns. (I had suffered from unexplained anxiety previously and had
sought care from a therapist previously and had gotten a lot of relief when
I figured out my life was causing my anxiety.....I changed things and the
anxiety left)
This time the anxiety got worse and worse and within a about five or six
days I was thinking I was going crazy. I had all kinds of racing thoughts, I
had insomnia, and I had other physical symptoms where I would feel like I
was shakey and almost on some kind of drug like a speed agent!  I would
almost always wake with the symptoms! Some days they would last all day or
be off and on all day.  Nothing, even an attempt at relaxation did not help!
I told my doctor and she certain it was anxiety and prescribed buspar.  On
April 12th

I started the buspar and two weeks later developed chest pains and a rapid
heartbeat.  I already have been diagnosed with an underlying heart problem
called superventricular tachycardia and I take atenolol for that.  During
one of the episodes I became sick to my stomach and was admitted to the
hospital through the ER.  I was admitted to the cardiac care unit for a 24
hour observation and several tests were run.  The doctor that admitted me (I
live away from my hometown for the school year so this was not my family
doctor) took me OFF the buspar (which was working to control the anxiety)
told me my thyroid was hyperthyroid based on a TSH test of 0.065.  He
lowered my dose of sythyroid to .75 micrograms and increased my atenolol to
25 milligrams twice daily instead of once a day.
My anxiety went through the roof about seven or eight days later and I
returned to my regular family doctor who put me back on buspar telling me
that I do have anxiety even if it is a condition related to the
hyperthyroidism.  I have been on the lower dose of thyroid for 22 days and
she said that is not enough time to know if the TSH has adjusted itself. She
declared that it was enough time to know that my anxiety should have been
somewhat reduced if it was hyperthyroid at the root of the cause and
therefore declared I have not only a thyroid issue but have anxiety disorder
and depression.  She put me back on buspar 5 mg three times daily and wants
me to start celexa in one week.  I am confused. I am having horrible anxiety
and don't know if the anxiety and worries are contributing to the fear that
my thyroid is out of control or what.  I would feel better seeing my old
endocrinologist who had allowed my family doc to treat me since I have not
had any need for anything but blood tests to be sure.
My question is whether or not anyone out there has ever suffered from
anxiety related to the thyroid condition?  If so what did you experience.
Does this sound like hyperthyroid and why after three weeks do I not have
any relief?

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