On Mon, 27 May 2002 09:55:46 -0400, Richard Geller <[log in to unmask]>

>But for those of us who cannot eat high carbs and do not do well with
>grains, AND who cannot get grass fed pastured animals consistently, the
>alternative is eating factory farmed animals, wild fish, lots of veggies,
>and supplementing with flaxseed oil. I think this is miles ahead of where
>would otherwise be diet-wise
>and for most people I think is very healthy.

I agree.
Disclaimer: .. as far as factory farmed animals or wild seafood do not
represent further health hazards, e.g. from pesticide accumulation, heavy
metal accumulation, ultratoxin accumulation (PCB), fungitoxin accumulation,
hormone residues etc..
And as far as a diet very high in muscle meat itself is natural
or long time sustainable as paleolithic humans may not have lived very long
and many groups may have had a different nutrition profile.

But generally I agree.

I think it should be said, what you said, what should be done.
