On Tue, 21 May 2002 10:14:12 -0400, Marianne Fuller
<[log in to unmask]> wrote:

>I recall that in one article Peat claimed that cell membranes
>don't really exist at all.

>That's exactly what I was wondering. Someone who flies in the face of
>conventional wisdom could be a prophet, or he could be a quack. If you're
>not very knowledgeable in a particular field, "experts" can sound very

I just read Peat's Coconut article.
He reports many benefits of coconut oil, which I feel are probable.
Coconut oil is great.

Then in his general big movement to denigrate unsaturated oils
he again lumps together study-material which is old and doesn't
keep apart effects of excess w-6 oils.

All the big dangerous and much described bad actions of "unsaturated oils"
reported, result from their oxidation or peroxidation.
Boys and girls, that's just missing antioxidant in the body,
just a list what missing or low antioxidants in the body can cause.
Quite a lot.
Peat's claim is, that inside the body the unsaturates would be suspect to
more rapid oxidation, because of "high temperature" and "abundant oxygen".
I think this his estimation is wrong.
I've learned that commercial oils often come with their vitamin E protection
removed. And often they are already rancid when bought.

Just look at nature, nature foods *are* full of MUFA and PUFA
(like in my list http://www.geocities.com/paleolix/lipidbasics.html ).
If they oxidizem and the oxidation makes damage, better keep an eye on
antioxidants. Fat soluble tocopherols and tocotrienols, water vitamin C and
a *lot* of more substances.

It's a beautiful day outside and I'm heading into the air and sun now.
(using my tocotrienol skin oil afterwords , probably...)
