We do not seek herein to point fingers at anyone. But we have to point out that we waited patiently for Gambia-L ‘List Management’ to sort out a situation which some of us feel very strongly about: CENSORSHIP on Gambia-L. It is true that the ‘delisting’ of certain subscribers by ‘List Management’ (more than a week ago) was what triggered the recent debacle on Gambia-L. But that problem was just symptomatic of a graver disease afflicting us. One would have thought that with the strong opinions conveyed to ‘List Management’ regarding that problem, ‘List Management’ would address the issues promptly and with fairness. Well, we all saw the ‘messages’ from ‘List Management’. They speak for themselves and we need not characterize those messages. Suffice for us to say that upon reading those messages, some of us thought that it was impossible to effectively work through the Gambia-L milieu.

We believe that if our discussions here are to be censored in one form or another by ‘List Management’, that management has to be seen to be administering its discretion judiciously. Yet, gauging by past experience of the ‘List Management’s’ attempts at adjudication, it is precisely acting judiciously, or lack thereof, which remains the bane of our differences, and, in essence, the tectonic faultline between us and them – a faultline, we hasten to add, that is unlikely to ever be bridgeable. For us, we’ve reached the point where we have to make a firm stand against what we believe to be a List Management that is fundamentally oppressive, tyrannical and illiberal; rather than merely succumb to their prejudices, obnoxious private morals and morally corrupt practices. It is precisely because Africans have readily succumbed to the latter that we have the catastrophies we have in Africa, and, in particularly, the Gambia. And like Isaiah Berlin once mused,

"Unless there is some point at which you are prepared to fight against whatever odds, and whatever the threat may be, not merely to yourself, but to anybody, all principles become flexible, all codes melt, and all ends in themselves for which we live disappear."

In lieu of the aforesaid truism, we thought it better to set up another mailing list that would be managed in terms that are more in sync with our notion of fundamental fairness. We thought that it was better to have another List than to engage in endless arguments with Gambia-L ‘List Management’ about what words are appropriate or inappropriate. Rather than just argue amongst each other, we decided to move forward and show that it is indeed possible for a Mailing List - owned by Gambians, for Gambians and about Gambians – to be run in a democratic fashion.

We take this opportunity to invite ALL Gambia-L subscribers to join us in this new endeavor to serve voiceless Gambians. You need not give up your Gambia-L subscription to join us. We are not here to replace Gambia-L. We simply want to create an environment that is more conducive for people – regardless of political persuasion and social origin – to express themselves freely. When you join Gambia-Post, you will have the opportunity to partake in lively discussions about the important issues facing Gambians, both at home and in the Diaspora. You will be exposed to latest Gambian issues pertaining to economics, sports, politics and other social topics.

To subscribe to the Post, you don’t have to be techno-savvy. Simply follow the directions pasted below, and in no time you will be a subscriber to the Post.

We hope, as compatriots, you will join us in this noble quest to free ourselves from all forms of subjugation, oppression and tyranny - be they inside the Gambia or anywhere on this universe we might call home, even if temporarily.


Subscribing to the Gambia-Post mailing list

1. Compose a new piece of email addressed to [log in to unmask]. Leave the subject line blank.

2. Type subscribe gambia-post in the body of the email you just composed and send the e-mail.

3. Our autoresponder from our e-mail server will then ask you to confirm your request. Simply respond with OK in the body of your response.

4.  Once you receive confirmation of your subscription, you may begin sending your postings to [log in to unmask].  Everyone subscribed to the list will receive your postings, including yourself.

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To unsubscribe from this mailing list, repeat steps 1 through 3, except that this time use  unsubscribe gambia-post in step 1.   You may also send your subscription or unsubscription requests to [log in to unmask] .


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~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ To unsubscribe/subscribe or view archives of postings, go to the Gambia-L Web interface at: http://maelstrom.stjohns.edu/archives/gambia-l.html To contact the List Management, please send an e-mail to: [log in to unmask] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~