Lamin Sanyang,

Thanks for your inquiry. I have not been monitoring or taking active part in debates on the L for mainly two reasons.

1. After a six-day bout with what I thought was Flu, it turned out that I had a new strain of malaria which is very deadly and does not manifest itself by the symptoms that we've grown used to ie, fevers, vomiting, etc. The whole episode lasted almost two weeks.

2. As soon as I was better, I had to go on a mission to Germany as part of a six-man Gamtel delegation to negotiate the final scope of works for a major telecommunications project to be launched in The Gambia in the next few weeks/months. This project, when completed, would further enhanced Gamtel's position as one of the leading telecommunications companies in Africa. I shall provide details after it has been deliberated on by my management and government. One thing I promise you would that elecommunications in The Gambia would would have been catapulted to even greater heights and benefiting the entire country and not the urban few alone.


I only got back home yesterday evening and have been very busy since my arrival deleting a lot of my mails unread as I had run out of storage space and was not receiving any other mails on my this email address. I would therefore kindly request anyone who've sent me private mail and has not received a reply over the next few days to please re-send it as I may have missed/deleted it or it was just discarded due to lack of storage space. As for some of the private emails that I have so far read, I am doing all I can to reply to them. Just allow me some time. To these people, I say thanks for your concerns.


Thank you very much for the concern you've shown about my health. I am much better now and would be resuming my contributions on the L as soon as practical.

Have a good day, Gassa.

There is a time in the life of every problem when it is big enough to see, yet small enough to solve. -Mike- Levitt-
>From: Lamin Sanyang <[log in to unmask]>
>Reply-To: The Gambia and related-issues mailing list <[log in to unmask]>
>To: [log in to unmask]
>Subject: Where are you?
>Date: Wed, 15 May 2002 15:45:11 +0000
>I have not read a posting from the following for some time now.
>Where are
>Hamadi Banna
>Bamba Laye
>Pa Modou Gassam(Jungle Sunrise) and
>Aji Ndey Jobarteh
>I miss your contributions.
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