Mr Cham:
On behalf of Mr. Gomez, I would like to put it out there that this is certainly not a for/against Yaya symposium. As the outline details, it is merely an open forum for folks regardless of party affiliation to exchange ideas and come up with ways and recommendations to move Gambia forward in a very positive way. In your own words:

"Sitting in America and talking about the problems will not resolve anything. Finding ways to resolve them is what's going to have an impact".

So let the dialogue begin.....


 Astrid Christensen-Tasong

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>From: Gibby Cham <[log in to unmask]>
>Reply-To: The Gambia and related-issues mailing list <[log in to unmask]>
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>Mr Gomez,
>I just have a few comments and question regarding this symposium. Are these discussions going to be a debate between party supporters or are we going to discuss about how to improve the problems relating these topics.
>The reason I am mentioning this is that every Gambian knows that some of these issues you've mentioned are definite problems in our beloveth country and they all need to be resolve. If these discussions are about how to move forward and improve some of the problems of human rights development and democracy in the Gambia, then it will be worth while to attend.
>If it is about a debate between Yahya supporters and those that oppose him, then I do not see that as being something that will improve the development of the country. The APRC supporters will never agree to some of the problems under the Yahya regime, likewise the opposition supporters will not side the APRC. It will be a never ending debate that will not take us anywhere or the country. Sitting in America and talking about the problems will not resolve anything. Finding ways to resolve them is what's going to have an impact. I personally believe that Yahya did some good in that country just like he did some bad
>Lets find the problems of the country, and try to fix them. not just debate about them.
>Thank you
>Gibby Cham
> "James Gomez Jr." <[log in to unmask]>wrote: The Annual ALD Symposium
>Date: Sunday, May 26th, 2002
>Time: 2:00 – 5:00pm
>Place: Unitarian Universalist Church of Silver Spring
>10309 New Hampshire Avenue, Silver Spring, MD
>Phone: 301-434-4050
>Topics of discussion include but not limited to:
>1.Media gag law
>2·Recent Elections – Presidential, Parliamentary and Local elections
>3·Human Rights and Democracy
>4·Social and Economic Development
>5·The Role of Women in Gambian Politics
>6·Absentee Ballots for Gambians Abroad
>7·The Way Forward…….
>The format will be an open forum discussion of the above issues with a moderator. The moderator will lead the discussion and control the time on each topic.
>We appeal to all interested in attending to be there on time because we have to start and end as scheduled. Being prompt will also allow us more time to have an in-depth conversation on these vital issues. We look forward to a civil, educational and constructive discussion.
>For further information, please feel free to contact:
>Astrid Christensen, (202) 263-3956 work (301) 879-4825- home
>James Gomez, Jr., (202) 333-5270 work (301) 871-0736-home
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