On 15 May 2002 at 16:45, George Sarr wrote:
> Let me elaborate a little; say I use [log in to unmask] (as my dummy e-mail
> address), and provided it is subscribed by List managers tp the G_L, I can
> use this online form and send all my postings. Since this is a dummy e-
> mail account, you won't be able to receive mails, but who needs to when
> you have the G_L archives. Besides the whole idea behind this is to avoid
> clogging your inbox. I don't know about you but I like to be able to send
> and read from the archives than going through gazillion e-mails in one
> ibox. You may inadvertently miss an important e-mail as a result of bulky
> G_L  e-mails cloggging your inbox daily.
> Anyway, I would be more than willing to share this idea and others with our List
> managers and let you members see if this something you want to adopt. I don't
> mind sharing ideas at all.

Thanks for this suggestion but LISTSERV is so powerful that individual
subscribers who do not want to get their mail boxes clogged can already
have complete control over their mail delivery options without interference
from any list manager. They can set the system to NOMAIL and read all
postings from the web interface. NOMail is often a good compromise for
users who are leaving the office for vacation or on extended business trips,
and who don't want a full mailbox on their return.

Here are some short instructions on LISTSERV SET options:

      All of these "command" messages should be sent to the
helpful but ignorant LISTSERV clerical robot at:

[log in to unmask]    <<NOT the Gambia-L

What you want to have happen is followed by the message you send.

To Subscribe

     SUB Gambia-L YourFirstname Lastname

To Unsubscribe

     SIGNOFF Gambia-L

To Stop List Mail Temporarily

     SET Gambia-L NOMAIL

To Restart Mail After Vacation

     SET Gambia-L MAIL

To Receive Only One Mailing Each Day
     Which Contains 24 Hours of Messages

     SET Gambia-L DIGEST

To Receive Only One Mailing Each Day
     Which Contains Only the Subject:
     Line and Sender: for Each Message

     SET Gambia-L INDEX

To See Your Own Distribution Options

     QUERY Gambia-L

To Receive a Copy of Your Own Messages

     SET Gambia-L REPRO

To Get a Listing of LISTSERV Commands


     All of these "command" messages should be sent to the sleepless
LISTSERV clerical robot at:

     [log in to unmask]

     There is also a World Wide Web un/subscription page for the Gambia-L
mailing list. The URL is  http://maelstrom.stjohns.edu/archives/gambia-l.html

     Web users can read the monthly Gambia-L logs and set all their
distribution options, subscribe, unsubscribe, and read and search the
Gambia-L Archives from the above Web page. They can also send messages
to the L from there.

BTW, Gambia-L is not an organization but a service maintained by

Momodou Camara


To unsubscribe/subscribe or view archives of postings, go to the Gambia-L Web interface
at: http://maelstrom.stjohns.edu/archives/gambia-l.html
To contact the List Management, please send an e-mail to:
[log in to unmask]
