"If you need a civilise debate I am ever ready just pick phrases I wrote and put me to task as i did to you earlier, showing how honest you are."

Edi, did I ever sound like I debate on the L or with folk like you?????

Oh, by the way, I don't teach grammar, syntax, or comprehension on the L either. Classes for you cost 100 farthing. You may mail it to your favourite charity in the Fjords and once I verify your remittance, I will show you where you need correcting.

I am pleased to note that at least you are reading and consulting the dictionary as the following demonstrates. The next step for you is to begin to understand how those words in the dictionary come together to convey your thoughts and meaning. Every word has a life. The life of a word begins with the correct spelling just like the correct spelling of Lamin Sanyang is important to him. Then comes the tense of the word. You must also understand which words to combine with it in the same sentence to provide appropriate context. Then you come to punctuation within a sentence. That gives structure to the sentence. When you build a hut in the Fjords, you must give it a door, and the door must have hinges so you can open and close it. It must also have a handle. Make sure the handle conplies with accessibility for folk who do not have fingers or are dexterously challenged. So your quest to communicate has only just begun. But stay away from words longer than five letters for now. All these years you have been taken in oxygen, if you had begun this process a while ago, you would have been proficient in communicating in you favourite language by now. If you ask me, Latin is easier, so if you do not have patience for English, Latin could be a good alternative or Mandingo. All you need to worry about is Conjugation and gender to a certain extent for Latin.

Les plus importants transformations sont les modifications "accidentelles".
Yours truly - Haruna.

"I am wasting my time to make you and your kind thinkers that like is not as you think it is. Life is more than selfishness. I will therefor continue to use my time in educating you. In fact it will be a waste of time trying to educate you but instead I am giving the to the people's interest in my beloved country. Have you got a problem on that. Moreover, writing this does not have to take me that long knowing were the keys are my friend. Of couse you will see a lot of spelling mistakes and even syntax which should show you the fact that I am not as perfect as you might think you are.  You can call me names but do not cross that boundry. 

You think you are doing more good by being a critic on everyone’s piece that doesn’t flatly condemn the regim bach home, but you know nothing and your cries will never prevail hence it is a selfish cry. Once again Jammeh’s government is really doing fine despite the bad human right record.

Have you ever red the Winter’s heart by Robert Jordan? Saying The wheel of time turns, and Ages come and go, Leaving memories that become legend. Legend fades to myth, and even myth is long forgotten when the Age that gave it birth comes again. Do you really think you and your comments have impacts on this government? Or are you looking for credit to be proud of after wasting your time and energy saying negative things only against the government with no impacts whatsoever or are you building up hope to your people back home that you have learn something? Well your strategy is not doing any good here for someone to be proud of but yourself. I have seen your senseless and putrid argument with others too and i can be punctilious too when i choose to. You are not a stranger to that hence this was not our first encounter.

Since then, my brother, I stopped reading your pieces but delete them unless they contain my name. Simply because, I am enough with your selfish cry as many people i spoke with agreed. Well my brother, you will hear more of me and if it border you, just bite your nose. I have the same right as you do in this forum. Writing long pieces doesn’t border you but their contents, as well as trying to pay back to the headache on the home work i once gave you regarding your use of words. I know I am not perfect but so are are too.

Hence my contribution is once in a while not like yours and i have work to do too. Moreover, I have the very right to say and support whoever and say whatever in a civilise manner. Lover boy, if my contribution hurt you or increase your migrain, be careful or see your docters because it is going to come like rain and i wish you survive from it.


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