Using good posture at the computer can help keep your spine from growing
old before its time.

Research suggests that certain body positions may help reduce a computer
user's risk of musculoskeletal disorders, such as low back pain or carpel
tunnel syndrome. To keep your spine in line, use a chair with armrests,
place your keyboard below elbow level, and position your monitor so that
you do not have to tilt your head up or down when looking at the screen.

If you sit at a computer station for long periods of time, take mini
muscle breaks now and then. Every 15 minutes, rest your eyes by looking
away from the computer screen. Focus on something 15 feet away for a
minute. Also, blink your eyes rapidly to refresh tears and clear dust. To
improve circulation and to exercise different muscle groups, stand up and
take a stretching break every half hour or hour.

American Journal of Industrial Medicine 2002 Apr;41(4):236-249.


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