you r right mike christains are no better than the rest of mankind.

-----Original Message-----
From: Michael H Collis [mailto:[log in to unmask]]
Sent: Wednesday, May 22, 2002 2:23 PM
To: [log in to unmask]
Subject: Re: was no subject now Hallowed/Halloween

Hi Trish,

Thanks for telling me. I had no idea about the Pagan holy days of Oct.
31st-Nov. 2.  Actually, I dislike using the word "Pagan" to describe
your faith, because of the history of the connotation.  I've always
associated paganism with Greek and Roman mythology and emperor worship,
not to the Druids.

Sometimes I think Fundamentalist Christians need to remember that for
the first 300 years or so C.E., Christianity was oppressed by the
Romans.  Now the shoe is on the other foot, and what happens? Instead of
tolerating diversity as Jesus did, we do the exact opposite.  By that
fundamentalist Christians show that they are no better than the rest of

-----Original Message-----
From: St. John's University Cerebral Palsy List
[mailto:[log in to unmask]] On Behalf Of Trisha Cummings
Sent: Wednesday, May 22, 2002 10:02 AM
To: [log in to unmask]
Subject: was no subject now Hallowed/Halloween

Hi Mike

        Sorry Mike, Halloween has a purely Pagan begining. It is our
Year" Celebration, the third and last harvest, and the day we honor our
beloved dead. It is the New Year because it is the end of the growing
for that cycle. It is the last harvest, so there are bon fires and
and it it the day the veil is thinnest between the workds and we can
the dead - the table is set withtheir pictures and they recive plates of
food and their pictures are put out and tales of them are told. It is a
night to do magic. Last Halloween - all the Pagans in the US and the
that wanted to participate - spent Halloween - helping the dead from
cross-over and did binding spells on Ben Laden. I have included 2 write
from pagans about Halloween. I must also share Fundementalist Christians
trying to do away with Halloween - go to local Christian bookstore and
on the shelves and you will at least one chapter in at least one book
decrying the Holiday as pure evil. Truth - Amber and I went into the
Bookstore to get a gift for one of her friends - and browsed thru the
- Amber was truly shocked when she read the part about Halloween and
about Pagans. She didn't understand how they could lie like that. I
out to them that was the truth and what they believed, and are not to
try to
change their view becasue that is considered harming them. She wanted to
write the authors!! LOL

        I must apologize here for talking about Pagans stuff, but Mike
ask -
I recieved a very nasty letter the last time I mentioned Pagan. And was
basically to never mention it agian and just frankly my very persence
upset you guys and I was not to upset ya'll. Was completely shocked. I
Amber read the note and she said - this is stupid and untrue, and then I
thought about all the things I knew about his person and how they speak
behind peoples backs and constantly get rid of their friends becasue the
"forcing" them to things - the whole rant thing suddenly became very
Hence the apology to those who will offended both by the stuff about
Paganism and my very presence.

                                                    Goddess Bless -