And I'll say it again, "Congratulations!"


On Wed, 22 May 2002 13:34:22 -0400 "Barber, Kenneth L." <[log in to unmask]> wrote:

well, i have decied to post something that i sent to kat a week or so ago in
reply to "quiet list." at that time if you hit reply kats would go to kat
instead of the list. so kat got it but no one else did.

the day the list was so quiet, i was home. i had been in the emergency room
until about 3 am and in bed past 4. so no work that day.  my april bride
daughter it turns out was pregnant in feburay. no she was not thought to
live that way. at least she had been engaged since july. there was something
about the placenta, and she was having pain. the doc now says the placenta
(sp?) is now back where it should be and the danger is over. the unmarried
sex not withstanding, looks like i will be grand pa sooner than i expected.
sometimes in october.

judy went out this weekend and come home with baby clothes. i could hardly
say anything to her about that since i had bought a little red wagon. kids
going to be soooo spoillled.