at least he did not use you for a base.

-----Original Message-----
From: Cleveland, Kyle E. [mailto:[log in to unmask]]
Sent: Tuesday, May 21, 2002 12:50 PM
To: [log in to unmask]
Subject: Re: Older sibs (was: Re: judy's ankle and her progress so far)

You're lucky, Kat.  My brother loved baseball as a young teen. He breathed
the game--and was, actually, a pretty good pitcher.  But because we lived in
the boonies, none of his friends had transportation to get to our house to
play and vice versa.  So, he would park me against the cinder block garage
and make me "catch" his fastballs.  Well, hells bells, I didn't have any
depth perception, so I had no idea how far away I was from the incoming
ball.  Most of the time I could duck, but I'd get nailed regularly.  I
dislike baseball to this day!

We have a pretty funny dynamic at home with the kids:  I usually "protect"
my son Alex, because he's five years his sister's junior.  Laura sides with
Anna for the same rationale.  Funny how you don't outgrow old ways,
sometimes.  My brother, though I "love him like a brother", can still fall
into the same role when one of us visits the other.  Too funny!

You didn't beat your sisters up?  Is that because girls are more "catty" and
use words to hurt instead of fists (or baseballs)?

-----Original Message-----
From: Kathy Salkin [mailto:[log in to unmask]]
Sent: Tuesday, May 21, 2002 12:35 PM
To: [log in to unmask]
Subject: Older sibs (was: Re: judy's ankle and her progress so far)

Not I, I am the oldest of three girls, and  I'd beat them up.  Just kidding,
I was too goody-goody to do that although I did yell at them a lot.


On Tue, May 21, 2002 at 12:11:49PM -0400, Cleveland, Kyle E. wrote:

    Show of hands here:  How many of us on the list had older brothers or
    sisters who would beat us up just to pass the time of day? <vbg>