That's a good question, Kyle.  I had that checked when my broken tibia took so long to heal, but my bone density was fine at the time.  Not so sure it'd be OK now as I'm a lot less active now.

BTW, bones that get relatively little blood flow like the tibia and ulna, usually take longer to heal than joints, because joints usually get better blood and oxygen flow.  At least that's how my ortho explained it to me at the time.


On Tue, 21 May 2002 10:19:37 -0400 "Cleveland, Kyle E." <[log in to unmask]> wrote:


When I was at my ortho surgeon the other day, getting the cast cut off
(thanks to all for the congrats, btw), I overheard a conversation between
said ortho and another patient.  Said patient was a lady in her mid-to-late
40's who had suffered a simple fracture of the ulna, just posterier to where
it meet the radius at the wrist.  Like Judy, she was not healing at all
well.  Doc Turner said that he was concerned that her low bone density was
the culprit.  He was suggesting to her that they either mechanically "fix"
the bone in position with plates and screws, or try a new "human growth
hormone" regimen.

Point being, does Judy have issues with osteoporosis (low bone density)?  My
mom broke her wrist about 10 years ago (in her mid-50's), and had a devil of
a time with the thing not wanting to heal.  She's pretty active, and started
lifting weights to build bone mass, but she also takes an estrogen
supplement to ward off any further bone tissue loss.  I'm just wondering,
did the doc check her bone density?


-----Original Message-----
From: Barber, Kenneth L. [mailto:[log in to unmask]]
Sent: Tuesday, May 21, 2002 6:38 AM
To: [log in to unmask]
Subject: judy's ankle and her progress so far

 i  pass on a report on judy  and her ankle for those who care to know. at
the same time.
judy was at the doctors office yersterday today. she has made progress over
the past 2-3 months but not as expected this visit. he is refferring her to
another specialist becasue the ankle has not got back to normal as closely
as he'd have liked. still having pain if not in a splint. don't no the full
ramifications nor exactly when she will see the other doctor.
  so now everyone knows what i know. continue to pray for her in this.