The stats progs are all MS-DOS programmes and so are usually blinding-fast compared to doing them under Windows.  If I need to generate graphs (which I usually do), I save them in comma-delimited file format, and import them into Excel or if I need to generate multi-variate charts, into SPSS or Statistica.

As for my neck, there's been a bit of pain, but nothing I can't handle. It's my arthritic hip and knee that are the major problems, unfortunately.


On Wed, 8 May 2002 12:51:27 -0400 "Cleveland, Kyle E." <[log in to unmask]> wrote:

I CAN believe it.  The old Windows stuff running under DOS, IMHO, was much
better than having to deal with NTFS.

Had my wrist examined yesterday.  The good doctor said the splint was
optional now, but the wrist really hurts from his mucking about.  I tied up
a dozen flies last night for a friend's B-Day (he's a fly-fisherman), so I
really got things a-thumping today.  How has your neck been since we've had
this rainy spell?


-----Original Message-----
From: Kathleen Salkin [mailto:[log in to unmask]]
Sent: Wednesday, May 08, 2002 12:11 PM
To: [log in to unmask]
Subject: Re: What's Going On?

Sorry you're in such pain, Kyle. I myself had a lot of pain last week during
a rainy day, and had to go home early.  Ugh...  Hope that front stabilises
soon and you can feel better.

As for the dual boot machines, both my old laptop and new desktop are now
dual boots.  Yes, I boot into Windows ME on the desktop by default, and into
MS DOS on the laptop.  The laptop is an old 486-75 machine that has Win
3.11; I use it to for my old stats and numbers crunching routines as it can
be faster than under Windows 9x, believe it or not.
