<<Disclaimer: Verify this information before applying it to your situation.>>

Hello there,

I've been "off-line" for a bit recuperating from surgery.  Nice to be back :~)

Question:  Are there others of you out there eating Dannon flavored
yogurt?  If so, buyer beware.  I called Dannon today to re-check
(1-877-326-66687) and was informed ONLY their plain yogurts are what they
now refer to as "gluten safe."  All others with flavoring are referred to
as "gluten unsafe."  They are sending me mailing on it.  I ate vanilla
Dannon while off work during February and early March; it's the only
possible culprit I can come up with.  I have a problem post-surgery with my
intestinal flora getting out of balance so it's tough to say if I had a
gluten reaction to the Dannon, as all kinds of things were (and again are)
going on.  Actually I just started to take Lactinex again (restores
lactobillus acidophillus) after a break of about 10 days, because things
started up again.  Am visiting gastro next Tues. p.m. to see what might
have been missed on tests, etc.  Any opinions on this vanilla Dannon thing
or the intestinal flora imbalance welcomed.

I also called and checked on Yoplait again (1-800-328-1144).  All their
yogurts, including new Whips, are gluten free.  They are sending me a
letter.  Obviously, these are high in sugar content and I am curious if any
of you use a plain yogurt (organic or otherwise) that is available in
PA.  Or, direct me to a list that you prefer for packaged foods, etc.  For
my 2 years, I've just pretty much steered clear of all packaged
foods.  Would like yogurt to continue in my diet though for the source of
healthy bacteria.

Have a great spring weekend.


Mary B.
Mary C. Blymire, Faculty Staff Assistant
Department of Academic Affairs
1031 Edgecomb Avenue
York, PA 17403
phone:  (717) 771-4150
fax:  (717) 771-8404
E-mail:  [log in to unmask]

  "IMAGINE all the people living for today ..."

* Please remember some posters may be WHEAT-FREE, but not GLUTEN-FREE *