<<Disclaimer: Verify this information before applying it to your situation.>>

Hello all.  I was wondering if you'd care to share your thoughts with me on
my present situation.

I was diagnosed with CD in December/January via blood test and upper
endoscopy (including biopsy).  My GI says I am a textbook case.  My Tissue
Transglutinase level (pre-GF) was 207.  He retook it in early March and it
was 116; improvement, but not there yet!

I was previously diagnosed with IBS in 1997 after bouts of alternating
constipation and diarrhea (the latter being the more troublesome).  Some
bloating & gas as well. My symptoms were worse over the summer of 2001, so
I went to the GI, he did some blood work, noted the high TTG level and
scheduled a biopsy.  Late last year I did not have symptoms every day but
often enough to bother me.

Went GF 1st week of January 2002, but couldn't get in to see the
nutritionist until 3 weeks later.  Although nice, she didn't tell me much I
hadn't already learned.  I have heard this is not uncommon!  I joined the
local support group in February and got a lot of good info from the
President.  Much more online from folks like you who live with this illness.

I feel that I have, by now, gotten rid of all (or virtually all of) the
hidden gluten.  My symptoms improved greatly over January through mid-
February.  Then the big "D" started up again, more on than off, and mostly
confined to the mornings.  After looking for hidden glutens, I realized I
may be, at least temporarily, lactose intolerant.  So I eliminated that.
Some improvement, but I am still having symptoms, 3&1/2 months later.  I
have just recently eliminated guar gum but that doesn't seem to have made a
big difference.  I take somet
hing for the D if really bad, but otherwise
try to eat right, take a mulitvitamin (I JUST found out my Centrum has
lactose, so that is going out!) and calcium (Citracal).

It frustrates me (esp. my logical side) that I could feel worse than when I
first started.

What do you think about this?  I'd love to hear your thoughts/experiences.
My doc at first said the usual, "stick to the GF diet".  I mentioned to him
that perhaps I have some food intolerances and may benefit from seeing a
dietician knowledgable in CD.  I am going to get the number of one from the
local group; my doc didn't have a contact (a fact that bugs me).

I wonder if my tissues are starting to heal finally (after who knows how
many years of active CD; I have been anemic for several years) and perhaps
my system is really sensitive for now.  Could that be?  My GI is not
worried about some other illness and h
as not suggested further testing yet,
probably since the diagnosis is relatively new.  He wants me to keep
working on my diet to ensure it's GF.  I think a dietician might be able to
help me identify if I am having other food intolerances; I feel that I can
identify GF foods well at this point.  I have not knowingly cheated and
eaten foods with gluten and have a supportive spouse who carefully keeps
his nonGF foods separate.  Also bought some new pans to ensure I am not
cooking on contaminated surfaces.

I'll gladly summarize any/all responses.  I suppose peace of mind that I am
doing the most I can for myself is what I am looking for.  Knowing that the
symptoms will improve (or at least feeling so) would help a lot.

Many thanks to all - be well!

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