<<Disclaimer: Verify this information before applying it to your situation.>>

At 08:41 PM 3/31/02 -0500, CeliacsDA wrote:

>  I bought some great bagels off the Glutino website they have sesame seeds on
>them but they taste so good you do not know the difference.   Bagels are my
>favorite bread products I ate 3 a day before I was diagnosed (yes I know),
>but I love them. It devastated me when I could not have them anymore.  I
>bought other premade gf bread YUCK, double YUCK, and tried to bake gf bread
>triple YUCK, so I gave up on ever enjoying bread again until I found these
>bagels online at the Glutino website. Thank You Glutino!

For those  who have not yet found a satisfactory bread I have two suggestions:

1. The six flour loaf from Ener-G foods in Seattle is pretty good. At
about as good as most gluten breads if it's nuked for thirty seconds
or toasted. Great toast. They ship anywhere and it has a long shelf life.

2. But by far best is a brand someone else recommended previously
and I want to second: I wasn't really a bread lover before going GF,
but there was one bread I couldn't resist: it was a Focaccio bread
sold by a local baker that you took home and stuck in the oven to
bake. Well, the GF bread mix from Bob's Red Mill is just almost
that good. One of the two breads I'd ever eat straight, just buttered.
Great for sandwiches and toast too. I swear, it's so good it'll make
you go home and slap your mamma :) -vance