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I'd reccommend having some sighted help if you can't see the
they'll probably demand you shut down all running applications
like your screen reader if any.

After that, it USUALLY! goes pretty well just installing over
W95.  Usually there is an option to save the old system for
uninstall. if you aren't short of disk space I'd sure do that.

Note I said loudly, usually.  With Microsoft products nothing is
ever ever for sure.

Make sure you buy the "UPGRADE" version of w98.  Some say you can
use the "OEM" version that comes with new computers but that's
asking for troubles.

the upgrade for 98 might be a little hard to find, but it
shouldn't cost much more than $70.00 or $80.00 these days and
hopefully less.

tom Fowle

Net-Tamer V 1.12.0 - Registered

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