>1)  Why did you choose the paleo plan?

Started with Atkins - but wasn't working as well as I would like.  Stopped
loosing weight, and seemed to bo "on hold" as far as other improvements to
health.  Paleo seemed to be the next logical step.

>2)  How long have you been on a paleo diet?

2 years

>3)  Which plan do you most closely follow

Neanderthin.  The eat/don't eat list is easiest to remember and explain to
family and co-workers.

>4)  What have been your results - health
>improvements, weight loss, etc.

Besides weight loss, my cholesterol has gone from a total of 312 to 209 with
the ratio going from 5.11 to 2.92.
From being marginally diabetic, my blood glucose levels are now normal.
Two years ago, the doctor was ready to put me on blood pressure medication,
but my blood pressure has dropped to normal with diet only.
I no longer suffer from acid reflux disease, haven't had to take antacids
for almost 2 years.
Gum disease has almost disappeared - my dentist thinks this is miraculous.
I no longer suffer from 'monthly' pain and bloating.
I haven't had a cold or flu since starting paleo.
No migraine headaches.
I don't seem bothered by hay-fever or allergies any more.
Occasional incontinence has totally disappeared.

>5)  Did you have any addictions when you started
>that were hard to kick; if
>so, how did you do it  (cold turkey or slow

I didn't even realize that I was a sugar addict.  After trying slow
withdrawal and having it not work - I had no choice but to go cold turkey.
Getting the sugar out of my system was harder than giving up cigarettes (3
1/2 years ago).

>6)  Are there any "paleo foods" which you exclude
>from the diet because they
>don't work for you?


>7)  Are there any "non-paleo foods" which you seem
>to be able to handle in
>small quantities while still maintaining your health
>improvements, etc.?

I do allow myself a small amount of butter or hard cheese occasionally.

>8)  What is a typical paleo day for you?  (I'm
>particularly interested in
>what you all have for breakfast as I don't like

I work in a hospital, and eat breakfast and lunch in the cafeteria there.
Paleo choices are extremely limited.  (think pyramid)

Breakfast is a ham omelet(ok not strictly paleo - but it is what is
available) with onions and peppers.
Lunch is roast beef from the deli bar or a broiled burger patty or chicken
breast with a small salad.
Dinner is usually a meat serving of some type and a salad.

>9)  Do you take any vitamins, supplements?

I take Calcium with Vitamin D and Fish oil.

>10)  What about exercise?

I do not like to exercise - but recently have found I do like to belly-dance
and have obtained several tapes that I follow.  I count this as 1/2 hour of
moderate exercise each night - varying upper body, total body and lower body
regimens.  I can sometimes force myself to spend 1/2 hour on the stationary
bicycle or the stair step machine.  I also walk for about 1/2 hour during my
lunch break each work day when it is not raining.

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