>I think that in the US Stevia cannot be sold as a
>"sweetener" but only as a food supplement.

Long/short, it was legal, then deemed illegal by our pals at the FDA, then
made legal again but only as a supplement meaning the label cannot refer to
it as a 'sweetener.'  Hilarious when you consider it's up to 200 times
sweeter than sugar.  The extract is virtually carb-free and the glycemic
index virtually nil.

I use it in iced tea and lemonade and rarely anything else; there's nothing
else I eat that needs sweetening.

Speaking of liquid refreshment, nary a soda has passed my lips since
December 31st of 1999 plus 2, not one day-um drop.  I used to imbibe an
occasional diet Coke (say, once a month or so) but the guilt just got to me
and I did my best Nancy Reagan imitation and just said "no!"

Dori Zook
Denver, CO

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