On Mon, 15 Apr 2002 20:53:47 -0400, Richard Geller <[log in to unmask]>

>In my opinion, the BIG QUESTION for
>this list is, why do physicians, dieticians and the entire medical
>establishment follow the low fat, high carb, non-natural diet, as promoted
>in your [Audette's] excellent book or in Loren Cordain's or Eades'??

Just looking at the USDA Pyramid


makes me sick :-). So Alice-In-Wonderland (up is down, etc.)

One might look to political contributions from Agribusiness


and look at the breakdown of industries in this sector. It seems
that the relative contributions of crop production and processing
to livestock and meat is close to what is in the pyramid
(certainly not a coincidence :-).

As for the average doctor in the US, some of the half-hearted
allegiance to the USDA pyramid may come from not wanting to
rock the boat. They may feel it risky to promote something radical
to this.

Philip Thrift