>From: Mary <[log in to unmask]>
>The mercury in fish issue might be part of the broader paranoia about meat.
>Have you ever noticed how much anti meat (and anti - protein)  propaganda
>there is?
>l. if you eat  meat raw you're going to die
>2. if you eat it too well cooked you'll get cancer
>3. if you don't cook ground beef immediately you're going to die
>4. if you eat eggs you'll get heart disease
>5. if you eat fish you'll get mercury poisoning
>6. and on and on
>Can you think of some more anti meat myths, these are just a few, the media
>is full of them
>If they scare you off of meat, you'll eat the (more profitable) grains and
>cereals and processed foods

I agree completely and anyway I guess that we  get 70-80% of all the poison
from the air, water and surroundings (buildings, furniture, etc).
The fresher food the better but it's still better to eat canned fish than
organic wheat.

Paul Sand
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