jenn, i have prayed for you this morning and will continue.

-----Original Message-----
From: Jennifer Zubko [mailto:[log in to unmask]]
Sent: Tuesday, April 09, 2002 12:48 AM
To: [log in to unmask]
Subject: Support needed- pain, etc

Hello Everyone,

Sorry to just write one message. I am in so much pain that all I did is
sleep all day. I have to take morphine every 2 hours, and the spasms
continue unabated. I am sure the sress of incomplete essays/exams, nor the
fact that I can no longer go to Toronto for treatment don't help. I long for
a solution, even a tiny one, to help. I long for understanding physicians
who will treat my dystonia if  I have it... Am seriously considering staying
in Ottawa over the summer, working at least with my pain specialist, and
asking if I can be referred to Montral. Don't think the Toronto Movement
Disorders Clinic is an option with my aunt's addison's disease/ my
grandparents age. Am going to try and get my physician to write extenseions
for essays for the Registrar's office. Please say some prayers for me. I
need help. Sorry for complaining, but everything seems to be falling apart
before my eyes.
I cry and cry.