Oh yes - that was the first thing I signed up for when I became eligible. :-)  Have seen too many cases of folks who didn't think they'd need it and were very sorry later on.


On Tue, 30 Apr 2002 16:43:22 EDT "BG Greer, PhD" <[log in to unmask]> wrote:

In a message dated 4/30/02 2:31:49 PM, [log in to unmask] writes:

> I don't know that type of training or professional background you have,
>but if  it is one which is represented by a national professional
>organization or a union, check out the benefits of joining. Many
>professional organizations offer their members various types of insurance.
>It won't be cheap

Also, if any of you have such an organization, check out disability
insurance. I have a friend who was in a high $ practice, ran into serious
addiction problems and lost everything. What he did do while "in high cotton"
was to purchase a Disability Insurance plan and is now drawing $4 - 6,000/mo.
