In a message dated 4/23/2002 11:04:29 AM Eastern Daylight Time,
[log in to unmask] writes:

>I want to share how much it has meant to me that we all look
>out for each other.

Thanks for sharing -- enough to bring me out of lurkdom, for a moment at
least...  I, too, was deeply depressed for most of last year -- issues at
work, serious health problems, 'fun' family times, and delayed grief.
Ironically, 9/11 jolted me out of the deepest part of my depression (perhaps
I finally realized my issues were not as big as they could be), and after a
November vacation to NYC (planned pre-9/11 and my first visit back to my
adopted 'home' in over 3 years), I started climbing the rest of the way out.
  Now I'm feeling at least 80% better health-wise, even better mentally, and
have a new, challenging job with a few bright spots on the horizon.

All the way through, BP-lurking gave me at least one reason to check the
email every day and smile.  So thank YOU, ][<en, and everyone else...


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