<<Disclaimer: Verify this information before applying it to your situation.>>

I have received many responses. In summary, there seems to be some
connection between DH and skin contact with gluten-containing products.

I wonder, too, if some people are ingesting hidden sources of gluten
without realizing it, or maybe they are sensitive to other proteins, like
myself, with dairy protein, and because they can't understand what's making
them sick they suspect skin absorption or inhalation.....

Personally, I do not seem to have had any reactions to skin contact with
wheat or gluten. Interestingly enough, I sleep every night with "wheat
bags" which are cotton fabric bags filled with kernels of wheat - I warm
them in the microwave and place them in my bed to keep me warm. I am very
sensitive, however, to anything I ingest. I'm sure if I had a problem with
skin contact, I would have experienced a terrible reaction by now....

Here are some of the messages I received:


Some seem to be very sensitive.  Others have the dermatitis herpetiformis
manifestation of celiac. Switching toothpaste is good;  watch out for
lipstick and any preparation around your mouth.  Lips get licked and saliva


Absorption of the skin is not a problem.
It has to be ingested and make contact with your digestive system.  But
some people bite their nails, lips, etc.
Lipstick may contain gluten, I do try to get gluten free lipstick.  I
use gluten in lotion, shampoo and other items that are totally external.
I am very sensitive and I have had no problems what so ever.


I get swollen gums from regular toothpaste, my scalp breaks out from
shampoo with wheat additives ( had this since I was a teen but never knew
why)  Lipstick causes a gluten reaction (probably gets ingested)  so does
foundation makeup........


 I don't believe there have ever been any studies done about skin
of gluten,  but it just seems to me that so many things can be absorbed
through the skin so why not gluten.  Once something is in the system,  it
carried around by the blood stream to everywhere.  Until it is proved to be
absolutely safe,  I choose to be gluten free all over.


I don't quite understand it either, but I have had allergies to tape and
Band-aids for many years and have only known about my celiac for 16 months.
About 4 years ago I discovered through trial and error that 3M's Nexcare
Bandaids don't make my skin break out.  After learning about my celiac
disease, I read somewhere that those bandages are gluten free.  I just now
called the customer service number on the package to verify it and they are
indeed gluten free.  Is it just a coincidence that these are the only
bandages that don't leave me with blisters?  I don't think so.  I guess if
the gut can't handle the gliadin, maybe the rest of the body can't either.
Gluten doesn't normally leave visible destruction on the rest of the body.
It's only my theory.  Draw your own conclusions.

Also on the lipstick, I think that's important to be gluten free b/c we
women swallow something like 7 lbs. of lipstick in our lifetimes.


Some people (like me) can have reactions in the blood stream - I suspect
this is an allergy on top of celiac.  People with DH probably also have a
good chance of
reacting.  I get a rash and my skin cracks if I handle wheat containing
Everybody is different.  The question is, do you want to take a chance?  It
is not
a good thing to keep your immune system constantly reacting.  Also, if
there is
some DMSO (dimethylsulfoxide) in your skin (say from a lotion or suntan
then you could definitely take gluten through the skin.

Everybody is different in this syndrome - likely because celiac is a group
conditions which have not been researched enough to determine their
characteristics.  Maybe in a few hundred years they will know enough about
it to
determine which kind of celiac you have and what you have to be careful


You are quite correct - the proteins we need to worry about are _far_ too
large to be absorbed thru the skin.  People can be sensitive to products
separate and apart from gluten concerns, of course.  My own not-so-humble
opinion is that people worry about soaps and household cleaners way too
much.  However, cosmetics can be a concern, not because of absorption thru
the skin, but because of a certain potential for ingestion.  Lipstick for
instance can certainly wind up getting carried in on food, drinks, etc.
And, depending on how much you touch your face and then put your fingers in
your mouth, that could be a factor.  I use Chapstick, which is GF, but I
don't use regular lipstick (there are some gluten-free ones out there -
check the archives for particular brands).  I don't worry about my
foundation, blush, etc.

So, definitely make your own judgment call on this one - hope this helps.


Some individuals are sensitive enough that microscopic amounts of gluten can
cause a reaction. The gluten that may be present in soaps (residues will
be left on fingers, dishes, glassware, and flatware), shampoo (when was the
last time that you rinsed shampoo out of your hair in the shower and it did
not come in contact with your lips?), and cosmetics (lipstick, chapstick)
can all cause a problem for these individuals. Some persons also have
dermatitis herpetiformis (DH) and frequently react to gluten through skin
Most soaps and detergents are okay, but it never hurts to check. The
tendency today is for manufacturers to put fillers, scenting agents, and
color dyes in their products to increase the market appeal, and these are
all recognized as pathways for hidden gluten.

You are correct.  Gluten must go through the digestive system to be a probem
unless you have DH. Do not worry about topical products.

Some products are absorbed sneakily, through the eyes (which drain into the
throat), or accidentally through the mouth in shampoos, etc.
But the main sufferers from non-gf products on the skin are those with
Dermatitis Herpetiformis (DH), a skin condition directly related to gluten
intolerance. Skin contact alone can cause symptoms for them. Iodine is also
an issue.

Some products are absorbed sneakily, through the eyes (which drain into the
throat), or accidentally through the mouth in shampoos, etc.
But the main sufferers from non-gf products on the skin are those with
Dermatitis Herpetiformis (DH), a skin condition directly related to gluten
intolerance. Skin contact alone can cause symptoms for them. Iodine is also
an issue.


Lots of Celiacs also have dermatitis herpitformis which causes bumps and
rashes on the skin.  This condition is aggravated by ingestion of iodine,
gluten and sometimes by contact with soaps, cosmetics and clothes washed
with regular detergents.
Some Celiacs feel that gluten can be absorbed through the skin to affect
CD.  I personally don't believe that.


As a newbie, you will find various degrees of concerns.  I have NEVER
worried about external items except like you, toothpaste or mouthwash.  We
have a disease of the small intestine and something must be ingested before
it can do us damage.  Other people are afraid to walk by a bakery.  There
are different attitudes about Celiac Disease.  Some people are also more
sensitive than others.  We each have to decide for ourselves.

Janice, normal celiacs are not bothered by gluten unless they eat it. But
those who are also allergic to wheat, or have a tendency to dermatitis
herpetiformis (a rash that a minority of celiacs are  plagued with), may be
bothered by topical applications. If it doesn't bother you, don't sweat it.

There is another aspect of cd called dh...a skin condition.  Most of the
reactions are due to Vit E which is usually wheat based.  There is also
the possibility of inhalation of gluten...makes its way to digestive
system and we get reactions.


*Support summarization of posts, reply to the SENDER not the Celiac List*