<<Disclaimer: Verify this information before applying it to your situation.>>

Hi. Just wanted to share a few notes I got back from my post about being
astonished there was wheat in fabric sizing.  I found a website listing
products available to fabric manufacturers, which also include potato starch
and corn starch as possible additives.

Everybody mentioned to me that they wash their fabrics first.  I did wash
all of my fabrics the past few days and ironed them, and got swollen ears
and slight asthma from breathing something I was allergic to, so evidently
washing once is not enough to get everything out.

And that they wash all washable clothing before wearing them.

A couple people mentioned there is also wheat in the library paste that is
used in book bindings.  And that it can be used as a finisher on paper! That
might explain this persistant sore on the side of my hand that runs along a
page when I write.

And wheat is often used in playdoughs.  That one I knew.

And somebody else mentioned there is also pesticides on fabric, evidently to
keep bugs from eating all that starch.

So, here's to keeping each other informed. :-)   Helen, ID