On Mon, 18 Mar 2002 03:44:11 +0000 ginny wilken <[log in to unmask]>
> >We've been discussing tobacco and health.  I've been trying online
> and off  to find an inexpensive source of tobacco for my garden.  Any

I'm assuming you want it for pest control........my mother
worked in a cigar factory in Tampa all her working life
and brought home bags of tobacco dust to sprinkle
around the yard for all sorts of pests.......I don't know
if this is available commercially in garden supply centers....
I drop cigarette butts in an old can with water in it, then
pour the resulting "tea" on ant beds.......the ants either
die or go away.......and I've got a couple of garden
"recipes" that call for tobacco "tea" for pest control,
but they call for using chewing tobacco......Walgreens
pharmacy has pipe tobacco in one pound bags...not
too expensive that way...I'm going to try making the
"tea" out of that.......

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