On Fri, 1 Mar 2002 20:00:31 -0500, Hilary McClure <[log in to unmask]>

>There seems to have been a lot of talk lately on the list about eating
>only lean meat, fish, and skinless poultry, and that saturated fat
>promotes CHD and insulin resistance.

This debate will go on perhaps without conclusion, but the practical
"division" can come down to two approaches to paleodieting. While both
be high protein, one (like NeanderThin) is higher meat fat
and the other (like The Paleo Diet) is more moderate.
The Paleo Diet allows beef top sirloin but not ribeye, for example.

But this means you need to shift the fat calories to carb calories.
So percentages may come out to be (P/F/C) 35/45/20 for the higher fat
version and  35/30/35 for the lower. (Just examples).

My basic approach is to find the variation that works best.

Philip Thrift