> (she's been on maintenance amoxicillan thru all
> this for ear infections, too)

When i was a kid i was dx w/ a milk allergy.  I had chronic ear infections
untill i was taken completely off of milk.  It sounds like she was doing fine
untill you tried to reintroduce milk into her diet.  I would try going for an
extended period of time COMPLETELY off of milk, maybe a few months just to see
what happens.  If she is feeling better then it doesn't matter what the
allergist says, or how you would classify it.

http://www.nutramed.com/children/kidsmilk.htm  is a good website w/
information about how it is difficult to diagnose.

It really is fine not to have any milk in her diet.  If you are worried about
calcium and all that stuff consult a nutritionist.  There are lots of

I hope things work out for you.
Keep us posted, we're all here for you.
