You know who told me the same thing in college?  Another girl who had CP!  Yup.  We were sitting around the dorm one night, drinking beer (of course), and she looked at me and solemnly declared, "You know, Kat, we'll never have sex." I protested, oh yes, we would, but she didn't believe me.

Well, she turned out to be wrong in my case, but when I saw her at a reunion a few years ago, she told me she'd never had a relationship.  I now think that had a lot to do with her low self-esteem.


On Mon, 25 Mar 2002 12:17:33 EST Jennifer Lahiff <[log in to unmask]> wrote:

In a message dated 3/23/02 9:50:02 PM Pacific Standard Time, [log in to unmask]

<< that girls with CP could not have sex! >>
My mother used to tell me that as well.... LOL... boy was she wrong!!

Pregnant with  God's Baby Blessing #1
Y*Edd: 5-03-02*Y
*Y*Y*It's a Girl!*Y*Y*
YAva RoseY
God Bless the USA