<<Disclaimer: Verify this information before applying it to your situation.>>

Dear 'gluten free' friends,

I just read this post --

"Hi- I'm sort of new to this gluten free diet and hoping you can help
with a description I got when talking to Dannon about their yogurt.
Apparently none of their yogurts with fruit are gluten free. Also the
guy said, "We are no longer saying that any of our yogurts are gluten
free. However, our plain yogurt is gluten safe." He could not tell me
what that meant. Is this just a weasily way to avoid legal problems or
does it really mean something helpful to us?"

I am concerned about the tone of the post because we are all contact
manufacturers looking for information about their products.  They answer our
questions in a variety of ways, almost without fail honestly and
courteously..  It is very important that these avenues of communication
remain open.

I thought I said yesterday, in a post about opinions, that any company (in
this day of trigger happy pursuers of law suits,)  would be very reluctant
to claim 100% gluten free status for their products, even if they know
beyond a shadow of a doubt that this is the case.

The gf market is a very small one to most companies but very important to
us.  I would hope that we listen carefully to what they say, just as we read
carefully what they print, or do not print, on their labels.   Avoiding law
suits is one of the prime goals of every company worth it's salt.   There is
nothing 'weasily' about it.   It enables them to continue producing for us
at a reasonable cost.

I hope we continue to treat their efforts with respect.
