Over the years, particularly during the first four years of the second republic, there has been a lot of fabrications by enemies of Jammeh and his government by many disgruntled Gambians and yet none have provided sufficient proof to convince the majority of Gambians that they know what they are talking about. This, I believe, has to do with the credibility and honesty of some of the people concerned.

There is a particular group of people, who in their hatred of Jammeh, would not mind plunging our little nation into all sorts of misery. These group of people would endlessly search for damaging information about the country with the ultimate goal of blowing them out of proportion in order to isolate this poor little, but blessed country. These are the people we should be very careful of and continuously pray for God, The Almighty, to protect us from them!!!

Thinking of what this government has endured over the years and how they've managed to weather the storm, I could not help but remind Gambians of one particular incident that happened, I believe in 1995/96.

On that occasion, a container allegedly containing drugs, was consigned and destined for The Gambia. This container, having been tracked from its source by Interpol, was impounded just before arriving in Gambia waters, at the Mauritanian port city of Nouakchott.

At the time, there was a lot of hullabaloo from disgruntled Gambians who actively campaigned for International Anti-drugs agencies from Europe and the US to investigate the link between the container allegedly containing drugs and The Gambian government. All sorts of lies were peddled here by people who had hoped that this container allegedly containing drugs would be linked to our country and thus bring about the isolation of the regime, invite sanctions on us and eventually bring down the government of head of state Jammeh. Six years down the line, these international anti-drug agencies are yet to reveal the type of drugs that may have been found in the container, if any at all, nor its origin or final destination. At the time, the government, through its Department of State for agriculture, had vehimently denied any knowledge of the alleged drugs nor having ordered any such container.

Since that incident I have been wondering how a group of young army officers, led by "a high school drop-out", supported a cabinet of "mental midgets" and an "inept" civil service, could come up with such an elaborate plan to traffic drugs that after all these years, no evidence of drugs being found in the container or any link established between that container and this government.

Ous Bojang, Yero mama, "Manday warru na" - meaning "I am bewildered".

Have a good day, Gassa.

There is a time in the life of every problem when it is big enough to see, yet small enough to solve. -Mike- Levitt-

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