Low carb diets can have either a positive or a negative effect on insulin
sensitivity.  In general a very low carb ketogenic type diet dramatically
hinders insulin sensitivity and leads to rebound hyperinsulinemia when one
goes back to eating carbs. This does give credence to the cyclical ketogenic
diet or Natural Hormonal Enhancement type of diet where one alternates
periods of low carbs with a day or 2 of periodic carb-ups as the carb up
period prevents this and prevents thyroid decline.   A carb intake of
100-150  quality carb grams per day would, for most people, probably improve
the insulin sensitivity of more than it hinders although this is just a
guess. However, it's also variable.  In my own case I went through a 2 month
period where i averaged 100-150 grams of carbs per day and this intake had a
negative effect on adrenal, thyroid, and insulin sensitivity functions as
measured by blood tests.  But I'm also an athlete and probably handle carbs
and thus need more of them than most.  For people who've been on ketogenic
or low carb diets for very long periods of time the recommendations I gave
earlier work well for coming off.

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