There is no miracle in superslow training and the studies showing it
superior to normal training have been flawed in many respects.  Muscle
growth is a function of load and fatigue and muscle growth (in most people)
is best stimulated by a set duration of 40-60 seconds.  The fact that
superslow trainees pay attention to this time under tension is probably why
most of them get decent results from it. You could do a rather normal set of
10 repetitions paying attention to rep speed (2 seconds down, 1 second
pause, 1 second up etc.) with each repetition lasting 4-6 seconds and get
excellent results.  Also H.I.T. will work but is really not conducive for a
beginner who needs repetition at learning the various movements.  It is also
probably best utilized within a periodized approach also incorporating
higher volume, lower intensity type of training.  Best of luck!

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