I've been lurking for a couple of weeks and am enjoying the list very much,
so thought it was time to introduce myself. I'm a 28-year old female and
live in the UK. I have only been following a paleo diet for a month or so
but have been low-carbing for about a year and have lost around 30 pounds
(still another 20 to go, I hope!) Haven't seen much about paleo over here
and Cordain's book hasn't been published here yet, but I have read
Neanderthin and found the Protein Power Life Plan very good as well.

While the exercise thread is still going: I do high intensity weights twice
a week but find cardio really boring! The superslow link was interesting
but I couldn't see any proper references there, and a search on the
misc.fitness.weights archives suggested that they are not very well-
regarded among that newsgroup - does anybody have any more info? I have
also been wondering about whether paleo theory implies that men and women
need to do different types of exercise - if men were hunters and women were
gatherers, should I be going for long walks rather than sprinting? What do
people think?

