On Fri, 22 Feb 2002 14:06:27 +0900, Tom Bridgeland <[log in to unmask]>

>Jim Swayze wrote:
>> Jim > The body passes unneeded fat.
>> Todd > Does it?
>Right out the other end. Fat digestion is controlled by bile
>production. When you use up the bile the rest of the fat goes right
>out. Try it by eating a few REALLY BIG FAT meals.  ;--)

Just a little question:
Why on earth would you want to eat fat, if it's just "passed" through
ending up on the other end?
Then, why not spare to insert it on the upper end?

That reminds me of a new style moder "fat" that has been "invented".
Undigestable, will apear undigested on the other end.
May just causea slight diarrhea, to have fat in the stool.
