On Tue, 5 Feb 2002 11:02:32 -0500, [log in to unmask]
<[log in to unmask]> wrote:

>If I had to guess, I'd bet that the bowel problems are caused by damage to
>the bowel caused by grain lectins, compromising the ability to deal with
>what would have been a normal starch load.

That is my impression too.
The hazard begins, when bowel walls are compromised, by lectins or by
When this happens, and any food protein enters into the bloodstream,
the perfect imune catastrophy may happen.
Maybe that polysacharides in the bloodstream cause a similar
reaction. Or other stuff from bacteria.

The relative recently introduced and potent cereal grain
and legume lectins could beinvolved.
Apparently only certain circumstances, because only a few percents of the
population show such symptoms and autoimune diseases.

Reading Cordains "cereal grains the double edged sword" there was a big
list of antinutrients, possibly dangerous substances. But the only thing
I really found to be threatening were the gut wall compromising items

What makes today's humans so sensible against autoimune diseases?
I think traditional nourished people hardly display this.
My guess is
1st the missung traditional processing (soaking and germinating reduces
lectins and other antis)
2nd mixing of too many items in one meal, particularly together with high
lectin items (this is a new habit of the last years)

Amadeus Schmidt-Philipp