American army general to visit The Gambia

Major General Graig P Rasmussen of the United states Air force is to visit The Gambia over the weekend, reliable sources within the Gambia National Army informed the Daily Observer.

According to sources, Major General Graig, is expected to arrive at the Banjul International Airport on Sunday morning at around 8:30am. He is expected to pay a courtesy call on the vice president and will also visit the Gambia Armed Forces Training School and the Gambia Navy Fleet site, among others.

Major General Graig, according to reports, is the director of logistics and security assistant, headquarters of European command in Stuttgart, Vaihingen, Germany. He overseas the direction and management of international agreement and co-ordinates logistical support for all US forces in 91 European, Asian and African countries of the US European command, the position he assumed last November. Major General Graig entered the US Air force in 1974 and holds a Masters degree in national security policy from the Naval War College, Newport.


There is a time in the life of every problem when it is big enough to see, yet small enough to solve. -Mike- Levitt-

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