
I was actively involve, as the wang distributor for the Gambia,with Mr.
Jow,as a result from his appeal,to secure a scholarship for you from MIT.I'm
sure that you are aware that wang's headquarters was in Lowell,
MA and was directly involve in MIT.
I will save for now other incidents that occurred at exams council that
prompted me to refer you there to find out about me until your libel.

And for your information,this illegal alien nincompoop is not wondering
about in NC but doing his Mars trekking in Maryland.

There will be no further exchange from me on this until your libel.


>From: Y C Jow <[log in to unmask]>
>Reply-To: The Gambia and related-issues mailing list
><[log in to unmask]>
>To: [log in to unmask]
>Subject: Beran: The Burden Proof Is On You!
>Date: Thu, 21 Feb 2002 09:33:05 EST
>Certainly, there must be some rhyme or reason why these creeps hide for so
>long until they meet me to spew out their hatred for me and my family.
>Everything happens for a reason and I think its through the power of the
>Almighty that such lowlife creeps who have so much hatred for my late
>are unmasked for all to see.  It is destiny that these folks understand
>these risable comments shall not be taken lightly.   And understand they
>shall that I am a man in my own right who can stand strong defend such
>comments anywhere and anytime.
>Since Beran knows so much about who paid for my school etc..?  I suggest
>he come with the burden of proof as it pertains to how much my tuition
>I suggest that he come up with solid evidence that my tuition was paid by
>govt. subventions.
>If he does not, I will make sure that I explore the avenues I have in
>dragging him to court for libel and slander.
>The burden of proof is on him, not me...
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