Sam the 'great'!

               Boy! believe me Gambial is a very,very interesting place! Sam
the 'great' wrote as follows:

>"Boy "ouaka nguna" or Yero Mama, whatever you want to call yourself, your
>current role as a mole and overseas NIA recruiting agent will be exposed.
>Your threat against me, Prince and regulars on the L, shows your true
>I've been really busy the last week or so, hence couldn't follow up on your

Oh these THREATS! "waaye loye raggal waajileh"! BE YOUR SELF PLEASE AT LEAST

Well...Sam prior to replying to the piece from Prince i did send you a
'flyer' advertising for positions at the 'abstract' NIA you created in your
head.Sam apart from calling me boy "Ouaca Nguna" you may go ahead and insult
my parents!Go ahead because that is what you resort to when people expose
your black hearts!
Sam you know what?! Am telling you you made my day because i laughed aloud!
Me from "Ouaca Nguna"?!
Ok fine, you may believe your sources and put in your head that am from
"ouaca Nguna" if u wish! But where are u from Sam?!
Sam you are not the first ONE who accused me of being an NIA agent! I know
one of my associates called Modou Camara a limousine driver in Newyork who
told me that even those close to him DID tell him:"Essa bobu n'gaaye
tuddah...NIA lah!" That Essa is calling himself YEROMAMA but he is NIA ON
LINE! Thats what my friends tell me whilst laughing! Ha! Gambial!
Really some of you are so interesting!
Because of the few exchanges with Malik Kah(which i deliberately did!)and i
really knew that it was a good bait to expose the issues that some of you
are whispering into each other's ears behind the scenes...
I know that some people on this very forum for almost a year or more do see
Yeromama et al as NIAs on line!
I believe the team at GPMB is so smart for that!
Do they need your Gambial-made-HTC dropouts of Essa Sey's calibre, to hack
on fora like this? Ha! Ha!!!

Well...infact any counter intelligence strategy on this forum doesn't need
to go beyond a second! It takes recruits from any intelligence agency to
track down or decode coded texts from here even when sipping a cup of coffee
at a Balcony in Miami! Gambians and inTelligence gathering?! Do you think
one needs to break his or her neck for that?!
Infact Sam if i were you and i suspected that Essa or Yeromama is an NIA on
line,i wouldn't have said it openly.Sam you have failed those who are
guiding you! If i were u i would not allow the 'agent' concerned to have the
slightest hint of what i already suspect of him or her! Sam now that u have
exposed your mediocre styles in the said field, if Yero was NIA or any other
form of an agent then your strategies have failed! Then he  will change his
methods and technics thus climb to another level(my close friends on line
please laugh aloud!).

Sam please take note of the fact that i have already got the hint of this
NIA myth so take it from me whether i am working for the NIA or not you have
failed your group!
The NIA has the right to work with anybody they feel like working with and
if it serves the interest of the Gambia then i am happy to work with them if
they solicit my support.
SAM,Are you aware of the fact that all the details(ie:time,hotels,where
individuals met and issues discussed at Dakar or on the "lochos" from Barra
can be made available thanks to the telemaps!IF the NIA HAD WANTED TO DO SO!
Do you know the use of telemaps on intelligence gathering? Do you? As far as
you are the  expert in your group who can be detecting the secret service of
Do you believe that Sam?
Sam you may know an agent but informants can also be your associates!Sam why
accuse us of infiltrating this site for reasons relating to intelligence
So if that part of us is evil then the evil part of your very self was used
to detect ours!

One of your well respected criminologists is somewhere in America. The guy
isn't working for this regime and he was one of the founders of the then NSS
under Jawara.You may ask him who i am as far the said profession is
concerned.Don't be angry!if you want i can give u his name on a private mail
then you contact him.He will tell you how sophisticated the NIA can be even
without YEROMAMA and others helping them.
Sam lets be political please and avoid discussing the culture of
intelligence gathering on this 'nice' forum. Please Sam if you do so you may
end up seeing a lot of friends from those countries you prefer running away
from you! Sam thats a fact and i mean it!The world of security networks is
the same brother so PLEASE DO NOT NUDGE ON boulders!
Example:If the NIA is given an assignment to work with one of those secret
service agencies that you respect.... lets say on some issue relating or
GOVERNED BY accords with the interpol or so and this happens to affect a
person like u out there...Don't you think the NIA gains an upper hand?!
Sam the NIA AND THE BANJUL BASED INTERPOL BUREAU helped the international
interpol branch a lot in tracking down cars that have been stolen from
Europe and shipped to the Gambia and other neighbouring west African
countries.Please call the taxi drivers in Serekunda they will tell u the
same!Even the cats knew that some Gambians abroad stole cars and shipped
them home!
Is it the APRC supporters who voted during the last elections who stole
those cars?! Ofcourse i know some of those thieves who have friends on this
very forum!
Will the interpol listen to those friends when it comes to tracking down
criminals? Ofcourse they will listen to the NIA!
How about those who falsified checks in America and ran back to the Gambia?
Are u sure if the FBI isn't or wouldn't solicit some support from the NIA?
Did you know that?! So people like you hate the NIA because you cannot cross
the bridge with some bad stuff towards home or what?! Even myself i know
that the NIA has no friend so be it! The same applies to the CIA and
others.Well what of if i jumped and accused you Sam of being an informant of
the MI6 would you take it?!
Its even possible that you are but unknowingly!

Sam politics and security cannot be seperated in a way but there are
criminals who are being hunted worldwide so FOR THAT MATTER so many  secret
service agencies have automatically become friends.Be careful Sam do not
imagine that the NIA is hated in England by the English! No! Thats not it!
Those leading our agency now have their mates working in Washington and the
Scotland yard brother!
So as i said to Malik all agents smoke from the same pipe!
How can i threaten you Sam when you are so brave and ready to stand against
everything Jammeh's gvt wishes to do or say! Sam once more please be
informed that you have betrayed your group! Why should you tell us how u
sneak into the Gambia?! Sam Why Boy?! Why?!
Didn't the same secret service you are booing here trace Makalo and ignored
him afterward?
If the NIA had arrested Makalo then the lies that were peddled here would
not have been noticed?!Believe that discredited some of you a lot! Didn't we
hear or read from this very L that Makalo was killed and buried! Wow! How
can the smae Makalo reappear at his village and sneak out? Was that his
ghost or...?
Sam do you think that by booing the NIA you can make them bluffingly tell
you how and what strategies are there for counter intelligence operations?!
Sam one may sneak in and go away without being scratched but that doesn't
mean there were no PARABOLIC ANTHENS!
Sam following people who sneak via the "lochos", the Njawara,Keur Paateh
loumohs,the Panchang canoes etc isn't all that is needed in some note books!
Some note books are opened up for those retired and unretirable lecturers
who are ready to bring havoc back home.Ha!!! Are you one of them Sam?
Sam "Wallaahi" if i were to work on you as an agent believe me you would
have thought that i live next door whilst not!
Please sip your tea and know that Yeropulloh's laser beam underates NO
strategies so he will never fall victim of your 'intelligence barter trade'
on Gambial!


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