Ablie Njie Lekbi wrote:

"Please give us a break with such infantile line of debating. Why don't the two of you spare us and address your emails to each other?

The majority of the Gambia L members are not interested in such deragotory statements. Going back and forward with name callings is far from sticking to the issues".

Ablie Njie and all other Gambia-L members, my sincere apologies. However all fair-minded members would agree that I do not normally engage in such infantile exchanges as it defeats the very purpose this forum stands for, vis-a-vis the exchange of ideas that would be of benefit to all. In that regard I have initiated discussions and participated in others initiated by others without the need for any vulgarity. Most members would also agree with me that for days I have deliberately ignored Amadou Kabir's insults and name calling. This guy knows zilch about me and yet decides to use this forum to call me all sorts of things. Not only has it stopped here, he has sent me even more vulgar emails in private.

I normally treat private emails as such but I would make an exception this time around. This is because, as the wollofs say, "Du Doffie yepai gaddu ett" meaning not all lunatics carry sticks.

Amadou Kabir first sent me a private email in which one of the mildest statements is this:

"I'm planning another trip soon. Be sure to be prepared for me, for I'm going to seek you out and I'll **** your ****** doggy style. You can bet on that."

In another private email after your intervention, he again wrote:

"Just take this lightly for now. I swear to God! - I'll catch you soon and I'll do your ****** well. This is something you'll always live to regret. I'll teach you a lesson you'll never forget. Ask around about me, *********!"

It this the sort of behaviour to expect from grownups? And why is he so upset for being challenged to share with us his experience here?

Have a good day, Gassa.

There is a time in the life of every problem when it is big enough to see, yet small enough to solve. -Mike- Levitt-

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