Saturday, 2 February, 2002, 20:32 GMT
Hosts prepare for battle
Henri Kasperczak
Mali coach Kasperczak is a very pleased man
Preparing for their vital quarter-final crunch, both Mali and South Africa trained at the Abdoulaye Makoro Sissoko stadium here in Kayes ahead of Sunday's match.

Mali coach, Frenchman Henri Kasperczak, says that like the South Africans, they would like to have stayed in the venue where they played but pre-tournament preparation had included the possibility of coming here.

"Its true that Bamako is good but we are always in Mali. When we were playing preparation matches we made a tour of the country, including playing here in Kayes."

That one preparation game they played here was a 1-1 draw against Zambia.

Since then coach Kasperczak has settled on a side that has grown in confidence as the tournament has gone on, a point he acknowledged to BBC Sport Online.

"Yes, I am very pleased with the progress my team has made and I hope that it continues that way," he revealed.

As his players finished their training session, they were greeted by the unusual sight and sound of the South African squad singing in harmony as they waited to start their own work out on the pitch.

Kasperczak says he respects the Bafana side and says like his Malian Eagles, their best game was their most recent one.

"I also believe that South Africa are getting stronger as the tournament is going along."

Big win

"Their victory over Morocco was a big win for them," he added.

The Malians should be at full strength again now that their defender Mahmadou Coulibaly, affectionately known as 'Police', is back from a one-match suspension.

It means that once again Mali's one English-based player - Karomoko Keita, of English Ryman League side Harrow Borough - is unlikely to start. He said he is enjoying being with the national side but it is not a breeze.

"Its not easy to play for Harrow Borough and then come and play with players who are playing in the top leagues in Europe," he sighed.

This is only the third time that Mali have been to an African Cup of Nations finals and on each previous occasion they have progressed to the semi-final - and in 1972 made the final itself.

South Africa are at their fourth finals and also have gone at least as far as the semi-final on each occasion. On Sunday one of these teams will have that record dented.

BBC Sport's Richard Fleming
"The hosts are getting better and better"
See also:

02 Feb 02 |  Cup of Nations
History repeating
02 Feb 02 |  Cup of Nations
Safety put to test in Kayes
02 Feb 02 |  Cup of Nations
Controversial Kayes
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