Dave, I must say that it is refreshing to read you after being bombarded
with all sorts of rubbish about ‘compromising’ with APPPRC, and that people
that are hard on this government (criticizing them constantly) are
‘unpatriotic’ and do not have the interest of the country at heart.  This is
so insulting coming from people that support murderers and thieves running
our country.  But reading Gambian newspapers today, I thought to myself that
some of us being called unpatriotic should NOT feel too insulted.  Can you
believe the nerve of Baabaa (Blood Diamond Dealer) Jobe standing in
Parliament and calling Halifa Sallah ‘unpatriotic’?  These people are in
denial and anybody that wants to open their eyes is ‘unpatriotic’.  They
want us to just lay down and let Yaya and his cohorts walk all over us.

Just witness the tragic happenings at Barra/Banjul.  As damage control now
they talk about some ferries coming from Ukraine.  Before Yaya stole our
money to go buy a plane from Ukraine, they should have fixed our ferry
problem.  But no!  Innocent Gambians will just lose their lives like that
while Yaya steals our money, buys a plane from Ukraine and sends his wife to
America for shopping.  But Yaya and his apologists do NOT want to hear that.
  They do NOT even want to recognize that this is going on in the country
and the man is stealing from us.  Now, what is going to happen to the
families of the victims of this tragic accident?  Are we to just keep quiet
about such disasters because some in Nuimi ‘voted’ for Yaya?  Is it
unpatriotic to point out that the first time the vermin had dealings with
Ukraine, instead of buying a plane they should have bought several ferries?
Is it unpatriotic to fight for the victims’ families to gain compensation
from those responsible for the tragedy and to tell the government to stop
wasting money on planes for Yaya?

Like you said, Dave, you CANNOT reason with these people.  There is very
little you can do to a grown-up that is in denial.  Just last week Gassama
was jumping up and down accusing people of exaggerating the plight of
Gambians.  The man himself CANNOT live comfortably on his salary.  How can
you force such a man to acknowledge the plight of others if he is not even
prepared to acknowledge his own predicament?
When they do NOT have arguments to show how they are developing the country
and reducing the poverty of the people, they resort to giving people some
ridiculous labels.

Dave, thanks again for seeing the stealth attacks and debunking them.
Kabir, I saw your piece on (whiner) Gassama.  The man CANNOT ‘make’ people
see in Gambia stuff that is NOT in the country.  He should have asked his
side-kick (Essa ‘snob’ Sey) about you before ‘engaging’ you.  I just saw
Mboge send us Halifa Sallah’s take on the ‘development’ in the country and
the ‘reality on the ground’.  I wonder what Gassama is going to accuse
Halifa Sallah of this time.  He cannot say that the man does not live in the
country and is being fed false information.  These APPPRC sycophants live in

>From: Dave Manneh <[log in to unmask]>
>Reply-To: The Gambia and related-issues mailing list
><[log in to unmask]>
>To: [log in to unmask]
>Subject: Patriotic actions or rather attempt to muzzle opposing views????
>Date: Fri, 15 Feb 2002 14:25:01 +0000
>Dear all,
>Sadly, of late attempts are being made (some covertly, i have to admit) to
>the opponents of Jammeh regime on the distro. I personally do not have a
>problem with anyone wanting to shut me up verbally or otherwise, but I am
>finding it real hard to control my fury anytime i see the attempt to muzzle
>by the use of words like unpatriotic. Why should one be labelled
>just because he/she hate a murderous, thieving regime?

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