
I hope you get better soon. avoid the flu with a lot of vit C and fluids.

Yes indeed . this race issue is a shame.  If I tell you what happened just two years ago right here in DC ,you would not believe it.I had two young African American male (politically correct- not black) associates who wanted to get a Taxi cab in the late evening  in downtown DC .They were refused three times to be taken to their hotels by African Cab drivers . So they asked me to stop one for them  and viola it was Ok .They told me they always have such problems . They usually have to get some one as light skin as me to stop a cab for them.

This was shocking as I never expected that especially from the African Cab drivers. Later on I found out from talking to the Taxi commission that even though it is illegal many of them  refuse for fear of their lives as they are robbed and killed .

well enough for now I have  a meeting to go to


>From: Ginny Quick <[log in to unmask]>
>Reply-To: The Gambia and related-issues mailing list <[log in to unmask]>
>To: [log in to unmask]
>Subject: Re: Interesting article by John Pilger.
>Date: Wed, 13 Feb 2002 00:24:14 -0600
>Hello, Habib, you did not offend me about your comments about Tennessee... As far as the guy who hijacked the Greyhound bus, also here on the news, before they knew the whole story, they made references as to whether or not he was a terrorist or from Al Qaida... I coudln't believe it... But yes, I also hate to say this, but I was glad he wasn't Muslim... And the same for the man who drove the bus to Maryland...
> As far as Gore goes, that really surprises me in a way, but then not so much. I didn't know he was born in the birthplace of the KKK... I know his family was from Carthage Tennessee, and my understanding is that the birthplace of the KKK was in Pulaski, Tennessee. It seemed like I saw something on the History Channel about it...
> But it is sad that we still have to deal with problems of race. A few years ago, I actually had a neighbor, well my parents' neighbor, who was renting out a trailor, and they didn't want to rent to black people. I was shocked, I coudln't believe it... And you should hear the thngs I have heard people in my own family say. I really don't see how people can be so ignorant and close-minded...
> Anyway, guess I'll go for now. I'm coming down the a cold or flu or soemthing, and I'm going to try to get some sleep... Talk to you later...
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