God, no, I've not been back near the tidal basin in years. One of my best friends lives in DC (near Embassy Row) and tells me it's almost impossible to find anything off the Beltway now.  He lives in the district just so he doesn't have to drive to work every day and battle the traffic. I used to drive in on George Washington Parkway, to work at the VA Central Office but started taking the commuter bus when the gridlock started making me late for work. And that was back in 1976.


"St. John's University Cerebral Palsy List" <[log in to unmask]> wrote:
> You been to Reston lately?  Ya can't find ANYTHING because of the signage
ordinances.  I drove as far away as Dulles and Manassas just trying to find
the Tandem Computers office!  BTW, does anyone near the Beltway (Betty?)
know if the original "Black-Eyed Pea" is still around in Vienna?  Best
"commercial" soul-food on earth!  As I recall, it was just upstream from the
big Metro park n' ride lot.


(Wistfully yearning for a big plate o' fried okra, crowder peas, turnip
greens, corn bread and buttermilk.  Guess I better go nuke the Stouffer's

-----Original Message-----
From: Kathleen Salkin [mailto:[log in to unmask]]
Sent: Tuesday, February 19, 2002 12:59 PM
To: [log in to unmask]
Subject: Re: Comedy Central's

Betty, shall I give you directions to a head shop that used to be up in
Fairfax?  I lived up in Reston in the mid-1970s.


>Okay, I'm getting turned on.  This can't be right.

"St. John's University Cerebral Palsy List"
> In a message dated 2/19/2002 12:27:26 PM Eastern Standard Time,
[log in to unmask] writes:

> >those times I want to bang my head on the keyboard in frustration when
> >a
> >program goes awry.
> >
> This gives a whole new meaning to headboard!
> Bobby